Creative and engaging videos on You Tube will create a Brand Proposition for your company

How many people do you think will watch you enjoying a caramel sundae on a beach? It sounds cruel, but maybe none! However, imagine the number of people watching your video if you were to share the recipe of the sundae? Well, maybe thousands! The same rule applies for You Tube marketing. Successful companies create videos that have a story to tell and are capable of engaging their viewers. The essence of You Tube marketing is to go beyond the promotional approach and bring value for the viewers.

You Tube marketing demand a clear and well thought out strategy. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is the Brand Identity. Your You Tube videos should be an extension of your brand and communicate its personality. You Tube channel should be integrated with your marketing strategy and aligned with your organizational goals. A few companies have already taken the leap in this direction and are lighting up the stage with their innovative efforts. Let us look at a few You Tube videos that have pushed the envelope of ordinary and captured user interest.

The documentary way

You Tube videos have been accused of being shallow in the past. They are very short and don’t dispense useful information. But, ‘Quicksilver & Roxy’ documentary channel on You Tube changed this perception. The company explored great depths of the surfing world and presented it in the form of webisodes and mini documentaries. The company allowed its viewers to peep into the exciting world of surfing and know what goes behind the scenes.

The company also provides access to magnificent content about surfing that was generally available only on DVD’s earlier. Quicksilver also posts a new video every week to maintain the freshness of the content. The company has posted almost 200 new videos in a span of 2 years that is an impressive achievement.  As a company that produces surfing goods; Quicksilver has managed to employ You Tube videos to communicate its Brand Proposition clearly. Enjoy the video below and explore the exciting world of surfing

A ‘Friend in need’ approach

You Tube allows companies to cater to particular needs of their customers by sharing informational videos. ‘The Home Depot’ has created a perfect You Tube channel to share information that moves beyond their brands and caters to the product category as a whole. These videos benefit the users and also allow the company to showcase their products in a gentle, non-invasive manner.

The videos cover the various aspects involved in home repair and refurbishing. They provide information on simple jobs like replacing a toilet to more advanced ones like re-tiling the bathrooms. A detailed and practical approach captures the attention of the viewers. The educational videos offered by ‘The Home Depot’ serves three important functions for them:
  •  Projects the company as a Thought Leader
  •  Enables them to promote their products and tools by using ‘Product Placement’
  •  Adds a human touch as the videos are hosted by  the company employees
‘The Home Depot’ has employed videos creatively to connect with their customers. These videos allow them to come across as a friend rather than a pushy salesman. Take a look at one of the informational videos offered by the company:

Celebrating cultures
What better way to celebrate the European culture than have videos on football. ‘Nike’ has gone ahead and done exactly the same. The company has a slew of football channels targeted at different countries and markets. The company celebrates the European football frenzy by exploring the minute elements in the language used during a football match.

Nike manages to go beyond sports equipment with these creative videos and emerges as a cultural icon. Nike uses unconventional methods to create its videos like closed circuit television cameras, mobile phones and so on. This lends a rugged look to their videos and makes them more engaging. Get touched by the football frenzy in this video created for England by Nike:

An insightful effort
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a repository of knowledge. The company has done a wonderful work of sharing their acumen with ‘BBC Horizons’. They have a dedicated You Tube channel on which they share path breaking insights about various aspects that touch our lives; like health and technology. These videos bring in a new perspective in our daily lives and engage the attention of viewers.

BBC has created a knowledge sharing platform with its Horizon series. A lot of research is put into the videos and eminent personalities from the relevant field are interviewed. The unique proposition of the BBC videos is the authenticity of information. The company leverages its image of a ‘Thought Leader’ and employs the videos perfectly as a tool for Brand Extension. Take a look at this path breaking video that manages to break popular myths related to our eating habits:

Creating communities
We have read a lot about communities being created on social media sites like Facebook. But, ‘University of Phoneix’ has gone a step ahead and created an interactive community for students on You Tube. The You Tube channel is more than just an online education program and provides a repository of knowledge for students.

University of Phoenix online is a repository of information for students and is rich source of testimonials, reviews, mini-documentaries and webisodes. ‘University of Phoneix’ You Tube channel offer a wide range of videos for students and helps them to connect with real and relatable students. Students share their insights about the various programs offered by the university and also their life experiences. Have a look at this video to experience a community in making:

A recipe for success
Let’s go back to cooking. Kraft Foods has a dedicated You Tube channel on which it shares its recipes with its users. The videos allow users to explore the professional world of confectioneries and pick up new skills. Viewers can learn to make desserts, appetizers and many more fascinating delicacies that are generally reserved for luxurious pastry shops.

‘Kraft Cooking School You Tube Channel’ provides a wide array of recipes for users. It is an innovative approach by Kraft to move away from senseless intrusive advertising and bring value to its customers instead. The company has also integrated a social cause with its You Tube channel. The channel invites the visitors to like the ‘Kraft Fight Hunger Facebook Page’. Here is a cooking video to tantalize your taste buds:

The above examples showcase a few innovative steps taken by companies in the Video Marketing domain. You Tube is teeming with various other examples of creative video marketing. You Tube gives organizations a flexibility to showcase their Brand Identity and go beyond the trodden path of advertising. But, it demands a focused approach and an attention to details. So, get on the drawing board and chart out a focused strategy for You Tube marketing. Till then, keep cooking and keep posting!
